Photo 1   |   Stefan Gonciasz   |   Agnes Gonciasz's Story   |   Anna Gonciasz   |   Charlotte Joanne   |   The Morehead's   |   John & Stella Wolfe   |   Stephen   |   The Gonciasz's   |   Charles Gonciasz   |   Eleanor Gonciasz   |   "The Kids"   |   Stefan/Bertha   |   George and Charlotte Ball   |   Sandy Bosio   |   "Bertha's Naturalization"   |   Stefan's Naturalization"   |   Family Group   |   The Mansfield's   |   The Strong's   |   Ball Wedding   |   "George Ball and Marine Buddies"   |   Amber Wells   |   Natalia Gonciarz   |   Wolfe Family   |   Natalie & Yadwiga   |   Brother Gonciasz   |   Jan & Paulina Gonciarz   |   Emily and Ashleigh Oberg   |   Nettleton Group Photo   |   Gonciasz Marriage   |   Jadwiga @ 15 w/Natalia   |   Gonciasz Sisters w/ Stefan   |   1963 Stefan & Bertha   |   Natalia & Zuzanna, Jadwiga & baby   |   Jadwiga  Swiat   |   Linda and Reuben Jr.   |   "Cookie's Story   |   Note of Thanks   |   Reuben and Agnes Nettleton   |   Oberg's/Bingham's   |   Phyllis and Jeanie   |   Leokadia Florentyna (Wojna) Gonciarz
Brother Gonciasz
At this point, we can only call this man, "Brother Gonciasz/Gonciarz"
He was Stefan Gonciasz's Brother, and we don't know his name.
If you can identify this man's name, Our Family would be very grateful.
Please e-mail us!

Photo Contributed by: Eleanor Gonciasz, Clark, Stengal
and Janice "Jeanie" Clark, Rudnick