Photo 1   |   Stefan Gonciasz   |   Agnes Gonciasz's Story   |   Anna Gonciasz   |   Charlotte Joanne   |   The Morehead's   |   John & Stella Wolfe   |   Stephen   |   The Gonciasz's   |   Charles Gonciasz   |   Eleanor Gonciasz   |   "The Kids"   |   Stefan/Bertha   |   George and Charlotte Ball   |   Sandy Bosio   |   "Bertha's Naturalization"   |   Stefan's Naturalization"   |   Family Group   |   The Mansfield's   |   The Strong's   |   Ball Wedding   |   "George Ball and Marine Buddies"   |   Amber Wells   |   Natalia Gonciarz   |   Wolfe Family   |   Natalie & Yadwiga   |   Brother Gonciasz   |   Jan & Paulina Gonciarz   |   Emily and Ashleigh Oberg   |   Nettleton Group Photo   |   Gonciasz Marriage   |   Jadwiga @ 15 w/Natalia   |   Gonciasz Sisters w/ Stefan   |   1963 Stefan & Bertha   |   Natalia & Zuzanna, Jadwiga & baby   |   Jadwiga  Swiat   |   Linda and Reuben Jr.   |   "Cookie's Story   |   Note of Thanks   |   Reuben and Agnes Nettleton   |   Oberg's/Bingham's   |   Phyllis and Jeanie   |   Leokadia Florentyna (Wojna) Gonciarz
"The Kids"

From Left to Right-
Sandy Bosio, Edward "Eddie" Clark, Janice "Jeanie" Clark, Ronald "Ronnie" Dattel holding his little brother, Robert "Bobbie" Dattel, Gladys Gonciasz, Cathey Gonciasz, Eleanor "Butchie" Clark holding her little brother, Richard "Rick" Clark.
The Man standing in the doorway of the house is Hugo Bosio.
Photo Contributed by Janice "Jeanie" Clark Rudnick