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My Favorite Links
I actually have TONS of favorite sites, but I will stick to just things that I think "Our Family" may be interested in. And actually, that includes LOTS of things. However, I will keep with the theme of this web site, and turn- you- on-to- some- history of who we are, and where we came from! Okay, I will hear about that later, but I have also included some FUN Stuff for your enjoyment! I have tried to categorize this information into sections, so go to what interests you. Furthermore, please check out some of the "History of Poland" sites, that I have included here. They will more than "enlighten" you about the history, and the tragedies that the "Country Of Poland", has suffered. Thus, the hardships and the injustices that literally brought our "Namesake" and "Father" to some, yet "grandfather" to most of us living today, and also "great grandfather" to those who only know him by the family stories and pictures, to this country.
"Szczepan "Stefan" Gonciarz/Gonciasz"
"Poland" has some "absolutely Fascinating" history. And after I had learned the information on these sites, as an "American", I had absolutely NO IDEA, that peaceful people,, such as the "Pole's" and our "Ancestor's" had to endure such horrific circumstances and living conditions in which they did.
Informational web sites on Poland and it's History and various Genealogical sites
http://www.um.kielce.pl/um_english/histor_a.html - This site tells you about the history of Kielce, Poland.
http://www.jewishgen.org/krsig/articles/GeographicHistory.htm -This site has some incredible information on Kielce's history and this explains all the unscrupulous take overs that this country suffered. Thank God, I would never have to take an actual test on how many times this country was divided into Radom gubernias (providences). This site also includes maps, and this site has some incredible information about Kielce! Fascinating Reading!
http://www.bright.net/~dunn/bydgoszcz.html - Hey, Ya want to see a McDonald's in Poland?? Look at the third picture, boy, "How do they Rate?" But my question is, where are the arches? Fun site with pictures! Click on the bottom link, (back to some photos of Poland project) and it will lead you to the designer of that site. Then click the very first link "Swietokrzyskie Genealogical website" and it will take you to more Kielce information and ways to search the area.
Find a town or City in Poland- Are you baffled by all the different names of towns and cities in Poland? This is one of the coolest links I have found to take the guess work out of that problem!!! All you need is to know the first two letters of the town or city name!
http://www.miasto.kielce.mtl.pl/kielce/inenglish.htm - Kielce on the past postcard.
http://www.kielce.uw.gov.pl/english.htm - Photos and some info about Kielce
http://hum.amu.edu.pl/~zbzw/ph/pro/plpro.html -This shows the old providences of Poland, next to the new ones that formed in 1998.
The Best Interactive Map of Poland on the Web!- This is the most fabulous map I have ever seen for finding any town or city in Poland! Just type in the name you are looking for, and click "Pokaz miasto" it means "show city". Sometimes you can even zero in on some areas, all the way down to street maps. This is an incredible interactive map of Poland!
Poland towns- Do you have a hard time figureing out which area of Poland you need to search for your ancestors???? This is a fabulous directory to maps of any town/city in Poland, and links to that area just by clicking on the first two letters of the town or city. THIS IS EXTREMELY USEFULL for searching in Poland, if all you have is a town/city name.
A Guide- Genealogy and Poland- This link has some very useful information for anyone who has questions to finding Ancestors in Poland. Do you know how to write a letter requesting information from a Polish State Archive, Ecclesiastical Archive, The Civil Registration Office or to a Polish Parish? This link provides sample letters, side by side in English and Polish on how to write those letters. You are able to write your own letters right from these samples and don't have to worry about how to word them, or translate them! This page also includes some answers to several of your questions about finding Polish ancestors and more!
http://polska.pl/ -Click in the upper right hand corner on the symbol "English" to refer to that version. This is basically a portal to several different links that may be of some interest.
http://english.poland.com/ - Poland search engine in English.
http://www.ukans.edu/history/VL/europe/poland.html - Great site with Tons of links to several different web sites in Poland.
http://www.columbia.edu/cu/sipa/REGIONAL/ECE/kielce.html -"A Must Read"- Intermarium- The Jewish Pogrom in Kielce. You may want to just print this story and sit down to read it. It is 9 pages. This is the story of the 9 yr old boy, Henryk Blaszczyk, who told a story to avoid punishment. Which sparked one of the most horrific acts of violence in Kielce, Poland.
Poland Genealogy connections and web sites
http://www.cyndislist.com/poland.htm -This is an enormous site. This link is just to what she has on Poland. Don't forget to check out her site for any genealogy research! This site is world wide and includes TONS of links to anywhere you are researching.
http://rootsweb.com/ -I love this site and use it the most. It also has links to ancestry.com which is the LDS files as well, (but with LDS access to files, you must become a member) Rootsweb is Free! Be sure to scroll down on their site,, to see the many ways to access their files.
http://www.ellisisland.org/ - Ship passenger records and manifests. This is where I found Stepan Gonciars. Membership is free, just register to access.
http://www.chesapeake.net/~cjclark - Link to Chip Clark's web site, ancestor's and descendents to our Family's "Clark's".
The Genealogy Home Page- Links to an enormous list of great genealogical sites from all over the world. This is the really "New" list of some of the best sites out there.
Lost and Found Family Memorabilia- I absolutely LOVE this page of links! This is a treasure-trove of links to finding Ancestorial Photos, Family Bibles, Tintype photos, original birth, marriage and death certificates, Family Albums, Heirlooms, picture postcards etc., etc., These links are web sites that are devoted to reuniting lost and found items to family members! Items that have been found at Flea Markets, garage and estate sales, and found just about anywhere, from all over the world! Did you lose a family treasure, list it on these sites. Be sure to also check the pages of "Mystery Photos" which are pages of photos that need to be identified.
LDS- LATTER DAY SAINTS- Certainly one of the absolute best for finding your ancestors!
PolandBorderSurname list- This site is a fantastic site for all your questions on Polish research. It includes a ton of informational links to get you started. Join their mailing list and ask other researchers your questions and get replys by email.
My Favorite Search Engine - Google.com the best for ANYTHING you want to find!
Google Images- Judy Campbell, a list member for PolandBorderSurnames turned me (and others) onto this link. I have always seen it there, but it is a search engine that is totally unused, if you would like to find photos of anyone connected with your surname of research. Or any subject, this is the place to go for images. Judy was right.
Still adding more......check back soon!